Das nun dritte Staging Update für den Holiday Patch wurde im Battlefield 4 Community Test Environment veröffentlicht und befasst sich wie nicht anders zu erwarten mit der Classic Map Dragon Valley. So kurz vor Release des Holiday Patches, der den DLC “Legacy Operations” samt Dragon Valley beinhaltet, befasst man sich erneut mit dem Balancing der Fahrzeuge, Bug Fixing sowie Performance Verbesserungen. Die wohl entscheidensten Änderungen betreffen das Attack-Boat. Dieses wurde entfernt, ebenso wie ein Panzer pro Fraktion, der durch eine mobile Anti-Air ersetzt worden ist. Piloten werden es nun also relativ schwer haben etwas länger in der Luft zu bleiben.
Change Notes
Dragon Valley 2015
Added a collision box for pier pieces that cause player to get stuck underneath them.
Moved metal crates down a bit so player can jump over them. Floating boxes.
Rush: Fixed Attacker Camera for base 4. Set proper number total simultaneous count on Rush vehicles
Deleted Civilian car from the map for saving memory (civiliancar_02, used in the TDM harbor setdressing area outside of playspace). Deleted road zebra decal from port area and Gazebo on the far mountain. Replaced wood stack prefab with single one since schematics doesn’t work well with piled version.
Changed the entry Gunmaster0 to GunMaster0 in the level load array which allows the loading screen to display.
Moved 2 spawners on Objective F away from the assets they were stuck inside.
Tweaked the Hydra vs side of the bridge damage so it can go over the damage threshold
Invisible collision after deploying in a F35: Moved US side jet spawn closer to inland so it spawns over dedicated server terrain tile. Set terrain tile under US jet spawn to dedicated server
Replaced some more unique objects with other existing ones to save memory for PC lowspec.
Removed the helipad object to save memory (The helicopter is getting removed in a follow up CL).
Removed the Attack Helicopter from the Woodyard
Moved the Oil Barrels closer to the structure, as they would be in the way of the IFVs.
Added an IFV to the Woodyard, in the same location that the AH and Helipad were at.
Removed the RHIB in the US Base. Replaced it with a PWC.
Removed the Attack Boat from the River Village.
Replaced an MBT with an MAA on both faction’s main base.
Replaced all LYT/ITVs with Quad Bikes. 1 at the CN Base, River Village, Market, Hill Village, and Wood Yard.
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